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Today’s increasingly regulated trading world requires appropriate supervision and monitoring. 

Softek provides proprietary trading firms with tools to aid their regulatory compliance, calculate capital and manage risk. Softek’s reporting capabilities enable stakeholders to monitor their trader’s credit exposure as well as the firm’s overall capital requirements.

Service Benefits

Softek’s flexible service for Proprietary Trading gives you the ability to:


Monitor firm and an individual trader's capital requirements and margin exposures in near real time throughout the trading day.


Softek’s high touch Alerts Service for undue concentration levels & credit limit breaches sends emails to risk, compliance, and executive management.


Report classification of hedged and unhedged positions including concentrations, haircuts, and capital charges.


Archived intraday & end of day capital reports for ease in satisfying regulatory audits.

Implementation and Care

Nothing is more important to our organization than each of our working colleague's commitment to the highest quality ethical standards. Together they form a dedicated group of technical, industry and client-care professional experts readily available to assist in addressing customer issues with prompt and efficient solutions at all times.

What Clients Tell us

"With increasing regulatory oversight the Softek platform streamlines the audit process"

"By combining the positions of many trading desks into one consolidated view Softek reduced our capital requirements significantly"

$350 million
Saved for a client through capital optimization

Asset Classes

Fixed Income
Asset Backed
Foreign Exchange

6 Million+
Trades processed daily

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