Softek has extensive experience of providing services to Prime Brokerages. With regulatory change increasing the pressure on the bottom line, Softek’s private cloud service offers a cost efficient alternative enabling you to reduce overheads, increase profitability and re-deploy resource to other key areas of your business.
Service Benefits
Softek’s highly flexible service for Prime Brokerages gives you the ability to:
Whether house or regulatory, manage clients credit under a scenario, strategy, and/or portfolio approach.
Daily and near real-time control of credit, concentration and liquidity risk.
Client and Firm exposure management and automated alerting related to any metric including
Net free credit
Unhedged “high risk” securities
Market Value, Sector, Issues Exposure vs Limits
Concentration and Liquidity breaches
Multi-level reports tailored to your specific requirements such as by firm, business unit, desk, client, liquidity, concentration.
Robust data management practices
Multiple report formats; XML, CSV, TXT, PDF
Basel III Reporting
Intraday client calculations daily
Asset Classes
Fixed Income
Asset Backed
Foreign Exchange
6 Million+
Trades processed daily
Implementation and Care
Nothing is more important to our organization than each of our working colleague's commitment to the highest quality ethical standards. Together they form a dedicated group of technical, industry and client-care professional experts readily available to assist in addressing customer issues with prompt and efficient solutions at all times.
What Clients Tell us
"With margins being squeezed Softek enables us to keep ongoing running costs to a minimum"
"Softek's intraday service gives us peace of mind by enabling us to monitor our clients in near real time".
"Softek's reports showed us that some of our clients exceeded their credit & leverage limits during the day. We soon put a stop to that".